
全国通訳案内士プレゼン対策 ーよく出るテーマと英文例ー







  1. 神道
  2. 伏見稲荷大社
  3. 大相撲

テーマ① 神道


☑️段落① 概要

  • 日本固有の宗教
  • 多神教
  • 特定の改組も教典もない
  • 自然現象や神話に残る先祖を神とする。
  • 現世重視
  • 神は汚れを嫌い、清潔にしておかなければならないので、お祈りする前に水で手と口を洗う。

☑️段落② 伊勢神宮

  • 日本神道の始まりとされている。
  • アマテラス

☑️段落③ 神道は日本人の生活に密接に関係

  • 神社の数、お祭り、祝日 etc.


☑️段落① 概要

Shinto is the indigenous(固有の) religion of Japan.

Shinto is polytheistic(多神教の), and its deities are worshiped at shrines called Jinja(神社).

Shinto has neither a specific founder nor ant books of scripture.

Shinto finds deities in nature such as animals, plants, mountains and rivers, natural phenomenon, and ancestors from myth.

In Shinto, the present world where you exit is more focused on than previous and subsequent lives.

We wash our hands and mouth before worship at the Shinto shrine because deities are thought to avoid dirty and like cleanliness.


☑️段落② 伊勢神宮

Isejingu(伊勢神宮) located in Mie prefecture is the sacred place for Shinto because the most famous deities, Amaterasuomikami(アマテラスオオミカミ) or the Sun deity, is enshrined there.

She is very important in Japanese myth because she is recognized as the universal ancestor of entire Japanese people.


☑️段落③ 神道は日本人の生活に密接に関係

Shinto has close relationship to Japanese lives.

For example, there are some national holidays originated from Shinto.

And, some shrines hold summer festivals.

You may understand Japanese people well if you learn about Shinto.

Thank you for listening.


テーマ② 伏見稲荷大社


☑️段落① 概要

  • 場所:京都
  • 特徴:千本鳥居(実際には1万本ある)


☑️段落② 歴史

  • 1000年以上の歴史、秦氏が五穀豊穣を願ったのが始まり
  • 室町時代に応仁の乱で焼けたが、その後人々の寄付で復興
  • ここに参拝し願いがかなった人がお礼に赤鳥居を寄付。これが千本鳥居の一部となる。

☑️段落③ 外国人観光客の増加


旅好きが選ぶ!外国人に人気の日本の観光スポット 2020


  • 駅から近い
  • 拝観料不要
  • 閉店時間なし
  • walkingができる

☑️段落④ スズメの串焼き


☑️段落① 概要

“Fushimi Inari Taisya” is in Kyoto prefecture.

It is a temple on the Inari mountain and famous for its “Senbon Dorii”, which literally means “one thousand of front guards”.

Actually,  it has much more, altogether over 10,000 torii gates in the mountain.

☑️段落② 歴史

It has over 1,000 years history.

Originally, Hata-shi, who was famous in ancient times enshrined the sprits of their ancestors to pray for good harvest.

In Edo period, formers and merchants who prayed there get benefit, and then they make a donation of a red torii gate to Fushimi Inari Taisha.

This custom is thought to lead “Senbon Dorii” .

☑️段落③ 外国人観光客の増加

Nowadays, more and more foreign tourists go to Fushimi Inari Taisha.

It has been the most popular Japanese sightseeing spots by foreign people since 2019 in the questionnaire by Trip Adviser.

That’s because it is  located near the station, for free to clime, and there is no limit time to enter.

☑️段落④ スズメの串焼き

I’ll introduce one unique food there.

If you go there from November to February, you can eat grilled sparrows.

I recommend you try it because you can’t eat it in other areas.


テーマ③ 大相撲


☑️段落① 相撲の歴史・ルール

  • 2,000年以上の歴史がある
  • ルールは、1体1の戦いであり、足の裏以外の体の一部が地面につくか土俵の外に出た方が負けになる。

相撲の歴史について 日本相撲協会

☑️段落② 大相撲の概要

  • 寺社が資金集めに相撲大会を開催したのが始まり
  • 江戸時代には今とは違い、土俵が四角だった
  • 今では大相撲は日本相撲協会が主催している。
  • 男性のみが参加でき、いくつかの階級に分かれる。

☑️段落③ 本場所と地方巡業


  • イベント① 本場所 :奇数月に各都市で行われる
  • イベント② 地方巡業:相撲の普及のために地方を廻る

☑️段落④ 自分の経験




☑️段落① 相撲の歴史・ルール

Sumo is traditional Japanese restling, which has at least more than 2,000 year-old history.

It is originated in Japan.

The rule of Sumo is very simple.

Sumo is a dual.

And, if either of wrestlers’ part of body, except for soles, touches the ground or is pushed out of the circle bordered with rope, he is beaten.

☑️段落② 大相撲の概要

Ohzumo is Sumo competition performance.

At first, temples and shrines held sumo competition to raise money to run.

Now, Sumo field is circle, but in Edo period, it was square.

The rule has changed with time.

It is held by Japan Sumo Association today.

Only men are allowed to play Sumo and Sumo wrestlers are called “Rikishi”.

They are divided into some grades such as “Yokoduna” and “Juryo” according to their rank.

☑️段落③ 本場所と地方巡業

Ohzumo has two main events, “Honbasyo” and “Chiho Jungyo”.

Honbasyo is main Sumo competitions, which is held in big cities in odd-numbered month.

Chihojungyo literally means “tours in countryside and perform there in a day to spread Sumo wrestling.

☑️段落④ 自分の経験

I have been to see Honbasyo held in Fukuoka.

I was so excited especially when a lighter Rikishi won a heavier opponent.

Each Rikishi has their own tactics because they aren’t divided into classes depends on their weight unlike Judo and boxing.

This is one of the reasons that Sumo is unique and interesting.
